December 17, 2012

Monday Funnies: Throwback TV Bloopers

Some really good TV bloopers from America, Germany, U.K. and other countries. I love the second clip, from the episode of Catch Phrase. Too Funny! 

Have yourself a good laugh and a fabulous week!

December 16, 2012

The Day I Blew Up The Blog

If you are a frequent visitor to the blog, you may notice some design changes...If you're new, I apologize for the "blah" look around here.

See what had happened was, I was playing around with Blogger's dynamic views templates...and I knew I should have backed up my template, just for good measure....and I didn't...(you can probably see where I'm going with this)
 I will still be posting blogs and all the original posts are still here, it's just the look I have to change. So, please bare with me over the next couple weeks as I get the blog restored back to all it's glory and prayerfully even better than it was before I blew it up. I appreciate your support and patience. 

December 14, 2012

Is Webcam Modeling Worth Your Time?

       Here is a simple formula to figure out how much you need to charge on a cam site, in order to earn the amount of money you want to make from webcam modeling.


First you have to set an income goal

   $5,000 monthly  (account for taxes & expenses by adding about 20 %)
+ $1,000 taxes

Next, determine how many hours you want to work. 

  30 hours per week
x 4 weeks in a month  (3 weeks if you do not work during your "week off")
 120 hours per month

Then, use this information to calculate your hourly rate.

$6,000 ÷ 120 hours = $50 per hour

   Now that you have you target hourly rate of $50 per hour, you can use this number to figure how much you need to charge on your cam site. You will also need to know your "private chat/free chat ratio". If you don't know what that is, then go to the "Tracking Your Money" post where I explained what this is and how to find your private/free ratio. Basically this ratio tells you how much time you spend in private chat for every hour you are online, on average. For this example, I will use a 25% private/free ratio and 35% as the amount of commission the webcam model makes on the cam site.

If $50 is your hourly target and you maintain a 25% private/free ratio
Your per minute rate is $3.33

If you get 35% commission and you want to take home $3.33 per minute, you would need to charge $9.51 per minute. 

How did I come up with that number? Remember your high school algebra you  thought you would never use...well yeah, guess what? Now you need it. 

If 0.35x = $3.33 what is x? 
This equation is asking $3.33 is 35% of what number?  To solve:

Multiply both sides of the equal sign by 100 
35x = $333

Divide both sides of the equal sign by 35 to get the value of x
$333 ÷ 35 = $9.51
x = $9.51


IF you work 30 hours per week AND
IF you maintain a 25% free/private ratio AND
IF your rate is $9.51 per minute AND
IF you earn 35% commission on your per minute rate...then you will earn $6,000 per month working as a webcam model.

   Now keep in mind this is based solely on webcam modeling with a typical big box cam site. Some cam sites have paid groups chat, where each viewer pays a smaller rate, like $1.99 per minute. So then your focus would be to get enough members in your paid chat to equal $9.51 per minute for 15 minutes per hour. 

   If you do independent cam shows on the side or you are successful with selling clips, picture sets, panties and earning referral commissions, then this will free up time you have to spend earning money on regular cam sites. Again refer back to the "Tracking Your Money" post for more guidance with setting and reaching your income goals.

December 13, 2012

Inside the Mind of a Cam Site Customer

       I discovered this article from a Google search for "best webcam girl". What is interesting about this piece is that it offers a glimpse into the psyche of a typical cam site user, even though it's actually a piece of marketing copy for the cam site Live Jasmin. It also address some of the frequently asked questions I receive about webcam modeling and being a webcam model, but from a customer's perspective.  

   Knowing what your potential customer is thinking (regardless of how you feel about it) allows you, as a webcam model, to be one step ahead of his game. Take time to read the following passage and some of the things men consider before making a purchase on a cam site. Then think of some ways you can use this knowledge to your advantage.  

*Please note this article is a copy and paste, I did some quick editing but it still may contain spelling or grammatical errors.*

December 11, 2012

Webcam Model Health & Hygiene Tips

Just because you're not a "regular" porn star, shooting scenes in L.A. doesn't mean that webcam modeling is risk free. Being a webcam model comes with its own set of health related issues thar cam girls need to be aware of and know how to avoid. In this video, I share with you some important tips on how to keep you and and your vagina healthy, happy and in working order. 

December 10, 2012

Monday Funnies: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

It's time for another edition of MONDAY FUNNIES! This one has nothing to do with sex or webcam modeling, but hell, it made me laugh. I caught it on Twitter last week and had to share it today. This might be my new jam! LoL.

Get ya seven laughs in and have a great week!
 (Speaking of getting ya seven laughs, WTF is up with Katt Williams? Aint nobody got time for that!)

December 6, 2012

Curious Enough to Succeed...In Everything: Conscious Consistency

Webcam modeling advice for being a cam girl from Tacy Plush
Tacy Plush
Today's blog is based on a YouTube Video from our webcam modeling sister Ms. Tacy Plush (@TacyPlush). This is a message cam girls definitely need to hear. I've been following her Curious Enough to Succeed Vlog series for a while and her most recent post on "Conscious Consistency" was too on point. I had to share it with you.

This video comes perfectly in divine order on the heels of my last two blogs about focus and the importance of allowing yourself a break to rejuvenate. Here are some key points that Tacy touches on in her video that I know are imperative for cam models to understand.

Consistency - The results you have with your camming and in your life period, regardless of if said results are desirable or undesirable, are caused by your consistent, habitual, actions (or inactions). I wrote a short blog about consistency almost two years ago, you can see it here, "The Key to Unlocking Your Greatness"

Clarity - You must know, that you know, that you know, that you know. When I ask new or aspiring webcam models why they want to be a cam girl, the #1 answer is usually, "Oh well I need the money." I chuckle at this answer because it's like, how do you even know how much money you're going to make? This is not a regular job where you know from start that you'll get paid $10/hr. So there has to be another reason why, out of all the gigs in the world, you are choosing to do this. You must have clarity on this reason. Why do you want to be a webcam model (besides money) and what, specifically, do you want to get from this? This must be crystal clear in your mind. Your WHY and your WHAT will be the driving force for you to turn on that cam on days when you just don't "feel like it"

Commitment - Speaking of don't feel like of the best definitions of commitment is, "continuing to take action towards something you said you would do, long after the moment in which you said it has passed." So for example, you made a commitment to yourself and your audience that you would cam 30 hours a week. Yet here it is the end of the week and you've barely clocked 15 hours. Now you have every excuse in the book as to why you didn't put in the other 15 hours. Guess what, those goals you said you had for yourself, don't give two flying rats behind about your excuses. You either live up to your commitment or you don't. 

Personal Accountability - Simply, this means that you fully acknowledge and accept that YOU are the creator of everything that occurs in your life. You refuse to blame any he, she, it, them, they, for the results that you have. It's not the cam site's fault, it's not your webcam's fault, it's not because of the weather, it's not because you don't have this, or need that. NO. It's because you, YOU, made a choice in the way you respond and that choice and response lead to a result. Right now, make the choice to eliminate blaming and that includes blaming yourself. The great thing about being personally accountable is that you realize that if the choice you made didn't bring about your desired result, you get to choose again.

Incubation - Like I said in yesterday's post, taking time to break, incubate, get away or just veg out, is an exercise of good self care. Taking time to reflect allows you body, mind, and spirit to catch up with each other and will give you greater clarity in your purpose and inspiration for your next steps. There's a difference between being straight up lazy and taking a pause. When you take a pause you do it with purpose and with the knowing that your break will bring out something that will benefit you when you return to working towards your target.

Integrity - Keeping your word. Especially, and most importantly your word to yourself. In the video, Tacy talks about how being consciously consistent helps you to show yourself that you are dependable and reliable and this is so very important. Think about it. How many times have you told yourself you were going to do something (eat right, exercise, get more sleep, create or edit a series of video, put in more hours on cam) and you didn't follow through on your promise to yourself? Every time you do that, you are teaching yourself that you can't rely on you...and why should anyone spend their hard earned money on someone who can't even depend on themselves?

This is really a jewel of a message and I thank and appreciate Tacy for sharing her thoughts and her journey with all of us who are Curious Enough to Succeed...In Everything.

December 5, 2012

You are NOT a Super (Cam) Model

   A typical day for me includes researching cam modeling related news, answering e-mails from cam girls, writing blogs here on, working on my next e-mail marketing piece or video for YouTube, checking in with my followers on Twitter, creating new cam girl classroom lessons along with all the responsibilities of being a mom. Today, I forced myself to rest. After I sent my son to school, I went back to bed and slept until noon. When I woke up, my first inclination was to get to work on everything I had neglected to do. I felt guilty for being so "lazy". Then I remembered a video I posted a few weeks ago and knew that I needed to practice what I preach and RELAX.

Battling Burn Out: Cam Girl Edition

Taking a day for ourselves is part of good self care and an exercise of self love. As I highlighted in yesterday's blog, I'm just as much a multi-tasking junkie as many of you are and so I understand feeling like you should be doing more, and like you have to cram as much activity as possible into every hour of the day. Well, I'm here to tell you (and myself) that the "to do" list will still be there when you wake up. It's not going anywhere.  If our cups are empty, it will be impossible for us to perform at our optimal level and that is a lose-lose situation for everyone. 

So to any other cam girls that are feeling like I was: achy, fatigued, irritable, overwhelmed, over-worked or just plain could use a day off. I'm encouraging you and giving you permission to take it. Writing this blog is about the most work I've done today and I'm okay with that because I already feel much more refreshed and my mind clutter is starting to clear. Who knows, maybe I'll take the rest of the week off....yeah right. 

December 4, 2012

The Next Best Cam Site

Best Cam Site, Webcam Modeling advice, webcam for money

       Today's blog is inspired by a post I read on fellow camgirl Caitlin's (@Scotty_Hottie_) blog earlier this morning. The "Shiny Object Syndrome" is common among new webcam models and entrepreneurs in general, myself included, and it usually goes something like this.... you join one cam site, you work it for a week, then you hear about another cam site that from MsLilyTits and she tells you it's all the rave, she's making all this money and so you join that one too, and three more while you're at it. Then you decide you want a clip store, so you set up a profile (or three) on Clips4Sale and two other adult video clip sites. Not to mention you also have a personal Facebook page, a cam girl Facebook page, a Twitter page, a MyPornProfile page, an ItsMyURLs page AND you're a member of StripperWeb, WeCamGirls and ExperienceProject.

Here's the lesson, if you chase too many rabbits, you catch none.

   I'm all about multiple streams of income, this is after all the name of the game, more paychecks coming in that  there are days in the month. However, and this is a HUGE however, what so many webcam models fail to realize is that this doesn't mean creating more work for yourself! It means learning to work smarter, not  harder, and do more in less time. Every time you add a new site, you are depleting your focus and energy. Instead of doing one cam site at 100% with 100% focus, you're now trying to do 10 with 10% focus....and how's that working out for ya?

   Now with that said, do I still support split-camming or simulcasting to different sites at one time? YES! I absolutely do, however, still you start with one cam site and you learn it inside and out and then add the next. Trying to work two cam sites when you are brand new to both is only going to result in confusion for you and your audience and a confused audience never buys!

   For example, when I first started webcam modeling, I started on and I only did Naked for a good almost four months, then I went to Rude. I pretty much abandoned altogether after that because Rude was a much better deal (at least it was at that time). Then I learned how to split cam and I began split-camming on both because Naked paid weekly and Rude was every two weeks. Eventually I was simulcasting to,, and all at the same time and doing independent shows on the side. It was super intense and required that I be fully into what I was doing. I had to understand how each site worked, which site had a faster moving chat room, which site had bells or whistles to alert me someone was entering my chat, which site was more active at a certain time, I had to know exactly how to keep all three plates spinning. As a result, I could get online for three hours and pretty much guarantee that I would bring in $150 - $300 in those three hours AND I was getting a paycheck every few days...but I had to start with one site and build from there.

   Start with ONE. ONLY ONE. One cam site, one clip store, one social media platform, one support community. Invest 100% of your time and energy on that and that only. Once you get that one set up and rolling on a predictable level (keyword: predictable, meaning  you know exactly how to keep this one plate spinning, ideally with little effort on your part) OR you decide it's not working for you and you scrap it, then and only then do you move on to something else. I know we all love to multi-tasking and thinking we can do more at one time, however what has been proven is that if you commit to focusing 100% on one thing at a time, you will end up with a far better quality result for your efforts.

"Your focus, needs more focus."

December 3, 2012

Monday Funnies: The Sex Talk

Welcome to Monday. Time to laugh your ass off!

In this video Kain recalls his memories of getting "The Sex Talk" from his mom and daddy. Kain (@HotDamnIRock) never lets me down when I need a good laugh. If you haven't seen him before you definitely owe it to yourself to check out his YouTube Channel. Even when I wanna get mad at some of the out of control isht he be sayin' I can't help but laugh because of his delivery.

Check out the video, get your seven laughs, and have a great week!

December 1, 2012

Cam Modeling for the Straight Male

Being a webcam model as a straight male can be quite the unnerving option for certain men. The fact is, regardless of your sexual preference, the overwhelming majority of live cam show customers are male, which means that you will be performing for gay/bi men far more often than not.

Long before I became an actual webcam model, I had primarily spent my time “in the business” recruiting models. It seems like in the ads that I would post, I would get just as many men responding to them as I would women, yet hardly ever had any of those men sign on to actually become a model compared to how many of the women would sign on. The deciding factor for the men who chose not to pursue it always seemed to revolve around the answer to similar versions of the same question.

“Do I have to perform for gay guys?”

My answer was always the same.

“No, you don’t HAVE to, but you’re not going to make any money if you don’t.”

And that’s the cold, hard truth. The idea of getting paid to perform on cam for horny women sure is a nice thought, but it’s just not realistic. In almost a year of being a model, myself, I can literally count on one hand how many times I’ve either been tipped or taken private by a female customer. Yes, it DOES happen, but it’s a very rare occurrence, and those times should definitely be enjoyed. But in reality, it’s primarily men who “get off” to experiences like the ones presented by cam models. It’s proven science that men are much more visually stimulated than women are, and that doesn’t change with homosexuality introduced to the equation.

So with that being said, straight males wanting to work as cam models have to be in the right mindset. You HAVE to think of it as what it is…a job. And the job requires you to put on a performance, regardless of who your audience is. The guys who will come into your room are all potential paying customers, and MANY of them love the fantasy of turning the straight guy out. So the fact that you’re heterosexual can absolutely play to your advantage. I’ve had customers that tell me they love the idea of being used and humiliated by a straight man – and I play to that. Some more prefer the challenge, attempting to convince you that they could pleasure you better than any woman ever could.

If you’re in the right mindset to do this, THESE are the exact situations you want to maximize your earnings.

Tease them…make them think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, there’s a glimmer of hope that you’d let them give you head, or whatever it is they’d like to do with you. Just because you’re telling them that doesn’t mean it’s true. Again, you’re a performer, and it’s all just part of the performance. That’s the biggest thing to keep in mind. Once you’ve been at it for a little while, you get more comfortable with it, and it becomes “natural.”

Another issue that comes up with straight males performing for gay men comes into play once you’ve got a customer in private/paid chat. Many of them will want to go cam 2 cam with you, which is HIGHLY recommended to ALWAYS accept. It’s proven that c2c paid sessions last longer than when just the model is on cam. It makes the customer feel as if you are really into it. Again, it may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it, and don’t HAVE to actually sit there and stare at their cam the entire time. On Streamate, for example, the c2c window will open up with the customer’s cam in the smaller thumbnail window which is really hard to see unless you’re really close to your monitor. It has the option to switch it around, which you should probably at least take a peek so you can see the position they’re in and talk to them as if you’re really paying attention. I know this might sound rather shady to some, but again, it all comes down to the fact that this is a performance. Some straight guys may not be able to maintain an erection if they’re sitting there watching another guy stroking - and that’s okay. Do what you have to do to give the customer the show that they’re paying good money for. More often than not, if I’m on cam, I have lesbian porn running off to the side to help me stay hard. Just keep the sound low if you choose to do this – the customers WILL leave if they hear women moaning in the background.

Being a cam model as a straight male certainly isn’t for everyone. It’s understood that some people do have true homophobia, and just can’t handle the type of performance that is needed to be successful with a job like this. Unfortunately though, there just aren’t enough women out there willing to pay to watch a guy pleasure himself to make it worthwhile to ONLY perform for females.

But if you can keep an open mind and remember that it’s JUST a performance, and these people really are never going to be able to touch you, meet you in person, etc., being a cam model as a straight male can be very profitable. It’s all in your attitude towards it.